School-Parent Compact

This document will serve as a binding agreement among the parents, students, faculty and administration of McKenzie Middle School.  The parents and students of McKenzie Middle School, as well as the faculty and administration, who participate in activities, services, and programs funded in part by Title I, Part A of the "Every Student Succeeds Act" (ESSA) concur that this agreement delineates how the community of learners listed below share the responsibility for improved academic achievement. This agreement also outlines the means by which the school, parents, and students will work together to build and develop a relationship that will help the students of McKenzie Middle School achieve the State's TNReady standards.

Student Obligations:

It is important that I work to the best of my ability. Therefore, I will:

 1. Attend school regularly and be punctual.

2.  Return my assignments and home activities, completed and on time.

3. Follow the school and classroom rules and expectations.

4. Respect my parents, classmates, teachers and other people in the community.

5. Come to school each day with my school planner, pencils, paper and other necessary tools for learning.

6. Take responsibility for my actions.

7. Not engage in any behavior online or in person that would be considered bullying.

Parent Obligations:

1. I want my child to succeed. Therefore, I will:

2. Ensure that my child has regular school attendance and do my part to make sure that he/she comes to school on time.

3. Support the school in the efforts to maintain proper discipline.

4. Create a time for homework and check with my child to make sure he/she completes the work assigned.

5. Monitor the time my child spends on technological devices, such as the internet and cell phones.

6. Make an effort to ensure that my child is caught up with any work he/she receives as a result of illness or extended absence.

7. Keep a line of communication open with my child's teacher/administrator and continually review Parent Portal.

8. Read with my child and let my child see me read.

9. Participate and collaborate with faculty and administration by attending open house and parent-teacher conferences. 

School's Obligation:

It is important that students achieve. Therefore, the faculty, staff, and administration of MMS  will:

1. Provide high-quality curriculum and instruction in a supportive and effective learning environment that enables the students of MMS to meet the State's student academic achievement standards as follows:

2. Provide thoughtful instructional lessons based on the grade level of the students.

3. Have high academic and social expectations for all students so that they can become productive, knowledgeable, and responsible citizens for our community.

4. Provide relevant assignments, both for class and homework, that give the necessary assistance for parents so that they can help the child.

5. Provide a safe and caring environment for learning.

6. Hold two parent-teacher conferences per year, as well as individual conferences as needed, so that this agreement may be discussed in more detail and scaffolding can be given to the parent and student in order for the student's academic and social success.

7. Give parents frequent reports of student progress, either by a written progress report, Parent Portal, IEP information, TN Ready results, Google Classroom information, or by direct contact via telephone or meeting.  


Statement Goal:  It is the goal of the McKenzie Special School District to provide a friendly and cooperative environment by which parent and school personnel can collaborate for the academic success of all students.  


_________________________________           ________________________________

Principal's Signature                                          Parent's Signature


_________________________________           _________________________________

Teacher's Signature                                           Student's Signature


_________________________________           _________________________________

Date                                                                  Date